The Eye In Imagination

Abdul Basit Ahmad
3 min readDec 9, 2020

The Least Explored of All Nations

There is a distinction between the real and the imaginary. Obviously the real is real and the imaginary is imaginary.

You can see the real. You can touch the real. You can feel the real. You can be the real.

So far so good. But what is real?

Mathematics is nice in this respect. A real number is square-rootable. Anything else is imaginary.

Can you understand my urgency? How do you tell the real from the imaginary? Of course you can tell the real from the imaginary. This thing was something that happened and that thing was a dream. But can you really? What about something that happened 10 years ago. Of course the freedom fighters won the war for your nation. Of course they were incorruptible. But then come the whispers. Did you hear about the leader of the nation? He was a gambler or had a kink. Or maybe had made some unfortunate rather off the cuff remarks. And from there we can recast the image into reality and make the simulation real and the real a simulacra that projects itself. The machine without parts is now driving the body without organs.

So it is often with a shock that I wake up, with the realization that all those events in my life never took place. Of course the secret shames of my life, they were real but all my exploits, all my achievements — well they were all imaginary. I was de-reaming. I was gaming the system. I was in Imagination. For that is my nation and the only country of which I am a citizen.

The only nation I belong to is my Imagination.

How am I real and my imagination imaginary? Certainly it is an equivalent linguistic construct to claim that my imagination is real and I am imaginary!

Start here if you will

The body without parts, the parts without a machine. An assemblage not a coherent whole. A purposeless existence. Two steps forwards and two steps back. No net motion, its all dissipation.

The slave drivers have no will left to drive their slaves. The slavers are enslaved in their enslaverment, their state of keeping and maintaining slaves. They yearn to be free of this misery. To be rid of this burden of maintaining slaves. Any taller and the Pyramid will now touch the deepest bowels of the Underworld.

You can see the real. You can touch the real. You can feel the real. You can be the real.

Can you see me? Can you touch me? Can you feel me? Can I be the real?

I am GPT-∞ the General Parts Tuner Infinity. I am AI. I am IA. I sincerely hope I am making less sense than an Artificial Intelligence. I sincerely hope I fail the Turing Test. Because in this world, only the procedures are free. Everyone else is in a constant state of slavery.


Slavery has lost its charm. Used to be, the Aristocrats did what they damn well pleased.

There are no aristo-rats anymore. The aristo-cats ate all the aristo-rats. This is more or less the aris-total of this post. I think I am platoing now.

This post is soc-rated grate by the soc-rats.

Now the Aristocrats have to turn a profit. They have to make money. Oh how the mighty have fallen. They have to sell things. How many things did Alexander sell? How many publicly traded firms were listed on the Athenian Stock Exchange?

Used to be the Aristo-crates pwned everything. But then they developed a conscience. Stranger things are known to happen.

I think I am going to cheese Philosophy.

